The Worst First Date in History: A Poop, a Window, and a Fire Brigade

First dates are nerve-wracking at the best of times. But for one woman in Bristol, England, what started as a promising Tinder date turned into a turd-tastic disaster that ended with the fire department rescuing her from a bathroom window. Yes, this actually happened.

Meet Ducey: A Gymnast with Bad Luck

Ducey (not her real name, but you’ll see why we’ve chosen it) was a 20-something singleton living in Bristol. Like many in her generation, she turned to Tinder to find love. One swipe led her to Liam, a charming guy who seemed like a great match. After chatting for a bit, they agreed to meet for a date.

The date itself went smoothly—a casual meal at a popular chicken spot. By the end of the night, sparks were flying, so Liam invited Ducey back to his place to watch a movie. You know, Netflix and chill.

The Date Goes… Down the Drain

At Liam’s flat, they settled in with a bottle of wine and a film. Everything seemed perfect—until Ducey’s stomach started doing somersaults. Nature was calling, and Ducey had no choice but to excuse herself.

In the privacy of Liam’s bathroom, Ducey did what needed to be done. Unfortunately, what followed was every dater’s nightmare: the toilet wouldn’t flush.

Panicking, she weighed her options. She could confess and risk embarrassing herself, or… she could MacGyver a solution. And that’s when she noticed the bathroom window.

From Bad to Worse

Ducey, clearly not thinking this through, decided to scoop the offending evidence out of the toilet, wrap it in toilet paper, and toss it out the window. Problem solved, right?


What Ducey didn’t realize was that this particular window had two panes of glass, forming a narrow gap between them. Instead of sailing outside, the package slid down the inner window and came to rest in plain view—right where anyone walking by could see it.

The Confession

With no other options, Ducey came clean to Liam. She explained the entire ordeal, from the clogged toilet to the ill-fated toss. To his credit, Liam didn’t freak out. He laughed it off and reassured her they’d get the situation under control.

Their first plan? Open the window from the outside and retrieve the package. But when they stepped outside, they discovered the outer window didn’t open. At all.

Time to Get Creative

Enter Ducey’s hidden talent: she’s an amateur gymnast. She proposed climbing into the gap herself to retrieve the package. Liam agreed, probably because, at this point, why not?

Back inside, Ducey climbed up, squeezed into the window shaft, and—with Liam holding her legs for support—managed to grab the package and pass it back to him. Victory! The package was disposed of, and the crisis seemed to be over.

But there was one small problem: Ducey was now stuck.

The Fire Brigade Arrives

No amount of pulling or pushing could free Ducey from her awkward position. Liam had no choice but to call the fire department. Imagine the conversation:

“Hello, yes, my date is stuck in a window because she was retrieving… uh… her phone. Yeah, her phone.”

The fire brigade arrived in full force, cramming into Liam’s bathroom to rescue Ducey. One firefighter even snapped a photo of her predicament (because obviously, this was too ridiculous not to document).

The Aftermath

Eventually, Ducey was freed, uninjured but mortified. Surprisingly, this didn’t scare Liam off entirely. They went on a few more dates after the incident. But alas, their love story wasn’t meant to be, and they eventually parted ways.

Final Thoughts

First dates are tricky, but Ducey’s experience takes the cake. Or should we say, takes the… you know what, never mind.

What’s the worst first date story you’ve ever heard? Let us know in the comments below. And remember: always test the flush before you toss.

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